
 const Res = await fetch(`https://foo0022.firebaseio.com/.json`);
        const ResObj = await Res.json();
        if (!Res.ok || !ResObj) { 
          throw new Error("Page Not Found 404");
        const ResArr = await Object.values(ResObj)
            .map(v => Object.values(v).flat())//error
            .filter(({ title }) => title.includes(Search))

在行中的行中,我会收到此错误" .map(v => object.values(v).flat())“我得到类型’unknown’的错误参数不可分配给类型’{}‘的参数这个问题如何解决?


这里的问题是您需要帮助打字稿了解要处理的对象的类型。这fetchAPI 无法提前知道返回对象的形状,因此您必须定义它并断言结果符合它。


interface ResObj {
  Mens: {
    Hat: Clothing[];
    Jacket: Clothing[];
    Pants: Clothing[];
    Shoes: Clothing[];
    Suit: Clothing[];
  New: Clothing[];
interface Clothing {
  agility: boolean[];
  alt: string;
  color: string[][];
  id: string;
  location?: string; // fix this
  Location?: string; // fix this
  material: string;
  price: string[][];
  prodState: string;
  saiz: string[][];
  shipping: string;
  sold: string;
  src: string[][];
  title: string;
  to: string;


  const Res = await fetch(`https://foo0022.firebaseio.com/.json`);
  const ResObj: ResObj | undefined = await Res.json();
  if (!Res.ok || !ResObj) {
    throw new Error("Page Not Found 404");


  // return an array of all object values...
  // if the object is already an array, the output is the same type.
  // otherwise it's the union of all the known property types
  function vals<T extends object>(
    arr: T
  ): Array<T extends Array<infer U> ? U : T[keyof T]> {
    return Object.values(arr); // need es2017 lib for this

  // Flatten an array by one level... 
  function flat<T>(
    arr: Array<T>
  ): Array<Extract<T, any[]>[number] | Exclude<T, any[]>> {
    return arr.flat(); // need esnext lib for this

如果您以前从未使用过 TypeScript,这些函数类型可能会令人困惑,特别是因为它们依赖于条件类型取消数组属性。


  const ResArr = flat(vals(ResObj).map(v => flat(vals(v)))).filter(
    ({ title }) => title.includes(Search)




来自: stackoverflow.com