我刚刚学习 c(自从几年前参加为期一周的夏令营以来第一天看到它)

我正在将我正在使用 Java 编写的程序转换为 C :

#ifndef ADD_H
#define ADD_H
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

class Evaluatable {
  virtual double evaluate(double x);

class SkewNormalEvalutatable : Evaluatable{
  double evaluate(double x){
    return 1 / sqrt(2 * M_PI) * pow(2.71828182845904523536, -x * x / 2);


double getSkewNormal(double skewValue, double x)
  SkewNormalEvalutatable e ();
  return 2 / sqrt(2 * M_PI) * pow(2.71828182845904523536, -x * x / 2) * integrate(-1000, skewValue * x, 10000, e);

// double normalDist(double x){
//   return 1 / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * Math.pow(Math.E, -x * x / 2);
// }

double integrate (double start, double stop,
                                     int numSteps, 
                                     Evaluatable evalObj)
  double stepSize = (stop - start) / (double)numSteps;
  start = start + stepSize / 2.0;
  return (stepSize * sum(start, stop, stepSize, evalObj));

double sum (double start, double stop,
                               double stepSize,
                               Evaluatable evalObj)
  double sum = 0.0, current = start;
  while (current <= stop) {
    sum += evalObj.evaluate(current);
    current += stepSize;

// int main()
// {
//   cout << getSkewNormal(10.0, 0) << endl;
//   return 0;
// }


SkewNormal.h: In function 'double getSkewNormal(double, double)' :
SkewNormal.h: 29: error: 'integrate' was not declared in this scope
SkewNormal.h: In function 'double integrate(double, double, int, Evaluatable)':
SkewNormal.h:41: error: 'sum' was not declared in this scope

Integrate 和 Sum 都应该是函数

这是 Java 代码,或多或少相同:

public static double negativelySkewed(double skew, int min, int max){
    return randomSkew(skew) * (max - min) + min;

public static double randomSkew(final double skew){
    final double xVal = Math.random();
    return 2 * normalDist(xVal) * Integral.integrate(-500, skew * xVal, 100000, new Evaluatable() {

        public double evaluate(double value) {
            return normalDist(value);

public static double normalDist(double x){
    return 1 / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * Math.pow(Math.E, -x * x / 2);

/** A class to calculate summations and numeric integrals. The
 *  integral is calculated according to the midpoint rule.
 *  Taken from Core Web Programming from 
 *  Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems Press,
 *  http://www.corewebprogramming.com/.
 *  &copy; 2001 Marty Hall and Larry Brown;
 *  may be freely used or adapted. 

public static class Integral {
  /** Returns the sum of f(x) from x=start to x=stop, where the
   *  function f is defined by the evaluate method of the 
   *  Evaluatable object.

  public static double sum(double start, double stop,
                           double stepSize,
                           Evaluatable evalObj) {
    double sum = 0.0, current = start;
    while (current <= stop) {
      sum += evalObj.evaluate(current);
      current += stepSize;

  /** Returns an approximation of the integral of f(x) from 
   *  start to stop, using the midpoint rule. The function f is
   *  defined by the evaluate method of the Evaluatable object.

  public static double integrate(double start, double stop,
                                 int numSteps, 
                                 Evaluatable evalObj) {
    double stepSize = (stop - start) / (double)numSteps;
    start = start + stepSize / 2.0;
    return(stepSize * sum(start, stop, stepSize, evalObj));

/** An interface for evaluating functions y = f(x) at a specific
 *  value. Both x and y are double-precision floating-point 
 *  numbers.
 *  Taken from Core Web Programming from 
 *  Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems Press,
 *  http://www.corewebprogramming.com/.
 *  &copy; 2001 Marty Hall and Larry Brown;
 *  may be freely used or adapted. 
public static interface Evaluatable {
      public double evaluate(double value);



getSkewNormal(double skewValue, double x)

来自 SkewNormal.h 之外的文件?


在 C 中,您应该先声明函数,然后才能使用它们。integrate在第一次调用之前没有声明integratesum

此外,在头文件中定义外部非内联函数是 C 中的禁忌。SkewNormalEvalutatable::SkewNormalEvalutatable,getSkewNormal,integrate等等与头文件无关。

SkewNormalEvalutatable e();C 中的声明声明一个函数e,不是一个物体e正如你所假设的那样。SkewNormalEvalutatable e;将声明一个由默认构造函数初始化的对象。

另外,您还会收到最后一个参数integrate(和的sum按价值 作为一个对象Evaluatable类型。SkewNormalEvalutatable作为最后一个参数integrate将导致SkewNormalEvalutatable被切片到Evaluatable

来自: stackoverflow.com